Making Home · status

Chore Status 8/29

It seems as I get things done I’m also adding more things to do. So, I edit and repost this every Monday so that I start each week with just the still pending list. The old list is available, with the struck through text, on the last week’s post!

to do list 1

Living Room:

  • Spackle  (as needed)
  • Sand: (as needed)
  • Primer (2nd coat) : wallboard walls as needed, log walls
  • Caulk: DH has done between the logs on the wall from the door to the entry wall and the short section of log wall on the kitchen wall. Remaining:  from 2nd window to corner, remainder of street wall, wall board walls.
  • Final Paint: entire room (street, oak, kitchen, bookcase wall, hall walls (closet, bath, pantry), stair wall, entry, stair interior wall, and stair rail.
  • Cull/clean: get fabric to Jeannie’s for reupholstery. Window replacement on north side. Means removing trim. Remove window trim for painting effort while doing 2nd primer coat. Label trim as it’s removed in case you can reuse it.
  • (long term) Replace window interior trim and mod hall door trim to match front door (and get rid of those F’n ledges!!!). Replace baseboards for same reason. Sand and redo floor. Move kitchen door?

In broad terms what remains in the living room prepainting effort:  the kitchen wall needs to be touched up over the lastest remudding/spackling job. Between the logs looked awful and was impossible to paint, so we’re caulking between the logs. What needs to be done: stove to street corner, street corner to the door.

We need to finish the additional spackling, patching, between log caulking and other caulking. Then we sand, again. Then we primer, again. THEN we paint!

Measure furniture. Make a floor plan so you move the furniture and books ONE more time, not more than that!

Hall: Replace smoke detector (future).

Kitchen: (Cull/clean) Get the 2nd Hoosier into the kitchen.  Dismantle the f’n 30 square foot counter and redo it to something saner!!! (long term) Pull the windows, put in the new wall and windows. Finish the sink window trim.

Laundry: (Cull/clean)  (longterm) Get the switch thing set up so you don’t have to pull the dryer out anymore!

Bathroom: (Cull/Clean) corners, window,  clear out.

Bedroom: (Cull/Clean) get couch downstairs. When reupholstered chair returns, put it here, not living room.

Attic: Get the 1 base cabinet in there (or elsewhere) and the cabinet which canme from the storage. Get the doors for the cabinet from storage with the cabinet. Get the bookcases from office 1 into the attic.[1 base cabinet used in kitchen 8/20]

Office 1: . Get the counter cleaned. Remove everything from the bookcases on the north wall and get the cases moved into the attic.  Bring in the new dressers?

Office 2: Clear off the blue desk. Sell/cull items awaiting that. (long term) Move the office function to the other office.

Dining Room:  Take down candlabra, sell. Paint china cabinet and relocate the 2 Hoosiers.

Storage: Remove the 2nd Hoosier for the kitchen.Get at least 5 boxes out and deal with the stuff in them. Move to a smaller storage unit 10 x 20.

Garden: Continue, finish and keep up the weeding, so that the weeds don’t take over the yard and next year’s vegetable garden is a disaster accordingly! [Worked on this 7/24-5, week of 8/20, 8/27, 8/29]

Get the windows done. SR door panel 27.5 x 64,

Get the online and computer files cleaned out. (Drafts here = 51 as of 7/27, 50 as of 8/1, 48 8/9, 49 8/22)

Systems, Mostly Long Term: Heating: order 2 cords of wood. Finish basement insulation. Order 2 more cords of wood. Roof: get new back roof. Water: get clips installed on both roofs. Get guttering/water barrel.Landscaping: Walls, fences, gates, plantings as needed.

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